In The News

State Park Officials To Roll Out New Plan For Safety on Mt. Diablo

Effort by Sen. Glazer leads to $366,000 in new striping, warning signs for bicyclists

The steep, narrow and scenic roads of Mount Diablo State Park attract growing legions of bicyclists, but they ride in danger of colliding with cars — especially on the many blind curves.

Now, in the first major road-safety improvement project in decades at the park, officials are rolling out $366,000 in new road signs, stop signs and no-passing striping in center lanes in hopes of reducing collisions involving cars and cyclists at the recreation area visited by more than a million people a year.

“We think this project will make a difference in making the mountain safer for cyclists and motorists,” said Al Kalin, a Danville resident and president of Mount Diablo Cyclists, a safety group that pushed for the changes. “Little was being done, but our group has worked with the state legislators and state parks, and now things have happened.”

For the complete story in the East Bay Times: