Press Release

Statement from Sen. Steve Glazer on Higher Education Spending Agreement:

SACRAMENTO – “In today’s budget agreement, Governor Jerry Brown and Legislative leaders made a good start in committing to full funding for the California State University and University of California. Both systems received enough one-time funding for the coming fiscal year to ensure that they can avoid tuition hikes and admit more qualified California students.

“One of the budget agreement’s shining achievements will extend CSU’s 2025 Graduation Initiative – aimed at increasing the number of students who graduate in four years – with $75 million in ongoing funding.

“This would not have happened without the relentless and unified efforts of students, faculty, administration and community supporters of higher education, or the leadership of Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins (D-San Diego), Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, and Sen. Anthony Portantino (D- La Cañada Flintridge). They understood that we are at a critical juncture in determining how accessible higher education should be to our students.

“The value of higher education – which leads to upward mobility, economic opportunity – is its unquestionable role in providing students with analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as the fuel to a stronger, smarter workforce.

“But this budget leaves it to the next administration and Legislature to finish the job of making a lasting and binding commitment to our students. I am confident that my colleagues, who worked so hard this year for full funding, are ready to continue the fight to ensure that California has the best higher education system in the nation.” 

