Press Release

Press Advisory

Senators, Students, Faculty Call for Full Funding, Tuition Freeze

SACRAMENTO – A broad, bipartisan coalition of legislators, students and faculty are calling for full funding and a tuition freeze for students at the California State University and the University of California at a Capitol news conference today (Monday, March 12).

Both CSU and UC are considering tuition increases to compensate for a shortfall in the Governor’s budget. To avoid tuition hikes and improve access, CSU is seeking $171 million more in state funding; UC is seeking $105 million more.

“In a year when state budget revenues are expected to be robust, and when we’ve already raised tuition so much, we shouldn’t be imposing more tuition increases on the families of students at our public universities,” said Sens. Steve Glazer, D-Orinda, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Student Success and Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, in a joint statement.

“Investing state resources in preserving college affordability must be a priority, for the sake of today’s young people and for the future of our state.

Joining Sens. Glazer and Allen will be Democratic and Republican members of the Assembly and Senate, CSU and UC students and faculty.

What: News Conference on Call for Tuition Freeze

Who: Legislators, CSU & UC students, faculty

Date: Monday, March 12

Time: 1:30 p.m.

Where: Room 1190, Governor’s News Conference Room

Livestreamed: on Twitter @steve_glazer ,,



